TheĀ Career Acceleration Blog

Why Some People Land Jobs Without Much Experience

career Oct 26, 2023
Why Some People Get the Job Without Much Experience

It’s a tale as old as time – the fresh graduate with minimal experience lands the dream job or the individual from a completely different field snagging that coveted role. It’s bewildering but also frustrating for those wanting to get ahead. It begs the question: How do some people get hired without much experience in a particular domain? Let's explore the factors at play:

Behavioural leverage- Otherwise known as soft skills

While technical skills are crucial, soft skills – such as communication, interpersonal skills, adaptability, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence – often play a significant role in hiring decisions. Employers know they can teach technical skills, but soft skills, which are more innate, are trickier to instil.

The Power of Personal Branding

The phrase, "It's not what you know, but who you know," holds some truth. Having an internal reference or having impressed someone in the industry can sometimes open doors that might be closed to others based purely on resume content. Remember that employers and colleagues have long memories. Accelerators know this and understand the investment in quietly building their reputation. It’s no secret why they get promotions without even asking for them.

Potential and Growth Mindset

Some employers are more interested in a candidate’s potential than their past. A candidate who exhibits a willingness to learn, takes initiative, and shows a growth mindset can be more appealing than one with experience but a fixed mindset.

Transferable Skills

An individual might lack direct experience in a particular role but possess skills from other jobs or life experiences that can be applied to the new position. For instance, a former teacher might excel in corporate training due to their background in education, people management and leadership. The challenge here is to phrase the experience in your CV so it’s indisputably clear to the hirers that the skills are applicable and valuable. In all our programs and courses, we have dedicated training to ensure the wording on the CV not only showcases the candidate’s experience in the best and clearest light, but also makes it stand out from the hundreds of applications.

Cultural Fit

Companies often look for candidates who align with their organizational culture, values, and ethos. Someone who is a cultural fit can seamlessly integrate into the team, making the working environment more harmonious and really add value sooner than someone that doesn't adjust as quickly or is causing disruptions within the team.

Diverse Perspectives

Companies are increasingly recognizing the value of diversity in thought and perspective. Hiring someone from a different background or industry can bring innovative ideas and solutions to the table.

Impressive Portfolio or Projects

For some roles, especially in creative fields, a standout portfolio can speak volumes more than years of experience on a resume. Exposure to high-pressure environments, managing high-value accounts automatically demonstrate the candidates’ strengths. Personal projects, freelance work, or even hobby-related achievements can showcase one’s capability.

Proactivity and Enthusiasm

Someone who’s taken the time to learn about the company, its products, and has ideas ready can stand out. Demonstrating enthusiasm for the role and company can sometimes outweigh experience in the hiring equation. We’ve said this before. Showing genuine research and interest in the organisation bodes extremely well. Everyone loves the feeling of being liked- including hirers. This can sometimes be the winning card if it came down to deciding between a candidate that showed genuine interest and one with the same qualifications but not as much interest in the organisation. We cover this, and many more key topics on being the outstanding candidate of choice in this FREE guide.

The Interview Performance

A strong interview, where the candidate connects with the interviewer, asks insightful questions, and demonstrates their thinking process, often tilts the balance in their favour.

Right Time, Right Place

Sometimes, it's a matter of timing. Companies might be in urgent need and are willing to take on someone less experienced but trainable, rather than waiting for the perfect candidate.

Experience is undeniably valuable. However, in the evolving world of work, other factors can be equally, if not more, important. This shift is a reminder for both employers and job seekers. For employers, it's essential to recognize potential and be open to non-traditional candidates. For job seekers, it's a nudge to focus on holistic growth, building authentic professional ties, and understanding that every skill and experience, however unrelated it may seem, holds value in the grand tapestry of one’s career.

If you’re still unsure about how to move forward, you can always message me on social media to talk about the career obstacles you are facing now at:

And if you prefer to dive into a longer, detailed call with me, you can book your private call here.  You come away with:

  • A customised plan to get your career un-stuck
  • 2 actionable points to apply straight away for immediate results
  • Tailored tactics to get you ahead of your current situation

Wishing you so much success,

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